Thursday, January 17, 2013

Liebster Award - Part 1

Thanks to my sister-in-law, Katie, my blog has been nominated for a Liebster Award. No, this is not the blogging equivalent of an Oscar, but it is a way for smaller blogs to get more exposure. 
The first step of the Award is to share 11 things about one's self. So here it goes...
  1. I think it's tough coming up with 11 interesting things to say about myself. I think I live a relatively normal life, and I'm not sure much of what I find exciting would interest most others... :)
  2. I (like all parents) think my kids are amazingly advanced in their development. No, they are not perfect, but they have their (very) strong points. Just so you know, Landen's is her speech & vocabulary; Callen's is his physical prowess. My favorites of Landen's words are "guacamole" and "tetrazzini". Callen rolled from belly to back at 3.5 weeks...Scott's pretty sure he has a star athlete on his hands.
  3. I am a linguistic snob. I dislike when people do not correctly use adverbs (they usually leave off the -ly) and when people use words or phrases that don't make sense. Many times, I just want to say, "Think about what you're saying..."
  4. I'm also a publication design snob. If a business uses a possessive apostrophe (Kristie's) incorrectly or distributes a horrifically designed publication, I notice. Most of the public does not, but these companies should really have someone who knows what they're doing design their stuff. I will gladly review any publications sent my way. And as of now, my services are free.
  5. While I'm listing my snobbish tendencies, hotel snob should be added to the list. I really appreciate a good, clean, nice hotel room. If the room is less than perfect, I take notice. 
  6. Other than these areas, I'm not really a snob. I've been mistaken for one more times than I can count throughout my life. I even heard once or twice that I was "intimidating". I find this hilarious. I am the intimidatee! I have always been a shy person; although, I'm not as shy as I used to be. In girls/women this characteristic is often mistaken for snobbish.
  7. I'm pretty proud of my knowledge about sports. I'm no Erin Andrews, but I feel I know more about sports (football, golf, baseball) than my average counterpart. I even enjoy listening to ESPN Radio. Yes, my husband hit the jackpot with me.
  8. I really hate daytime TV. If it weren't for HGTV and DIY during this maternity leave, I would have gone crazy. Now I just want to remodel and tear our house apart with all kinds of projects in mind.
  9. Speaking of maternity leave, it's almost over, and I'm ok with it. Not that I don't LOVE my baby boy, but this girl is meant to be working outside of the home. I realized this with Landen and have shared my thoughts with many...I could not be a stay-at-home mom, nor could I have a home-based business. I KNOW that caring for a child is a job; however, I get distracted by all of the household things that need to be done (and I get frustrated when I can't "accomplish" any of these things due to caring for my child). I am amazed and in awe of full time SAH moms.
  10. Since Katie shared her celebrity encounter, I'll share mine...I met Kenny Chesney, Payton Manning, and Troy Gentry (from Montgomery Gentry) backstage after a concert on my 21st birthday. I was with my friends, Rachel & Jamie, and several of Rachel's friends from UT. The highlight of the night was Kenny singing "Happy Birthday" to me at midnight. Please keep in mind this was nearly ten years ago, and, at the time, Kenny was the equivalent of Luke Bryan....just so you know.
  11. One more random thought, I love to read. I just read Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, and it was amazing. This was the first e-book I've ever read. I didn't mind it, but I'm nostalgic for real books. I love being able to turn the pages and share them with friends.
More Liebster posts to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You are more interesting than you give yourself credit for:) Kenny singing Happy Birthday...awesome! I am also obsessed with HGTV and DIY network. Can't wait for more posts!
