Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween!

This week included a lot of Halloween celebration starting off with our pumpkin painting last Sunday. Landen painted her pumpkin a beautifull array of rainbow colors while I tried a puffy paint technique I saw on Pinterest. Both turned out pretty good, but we later found that neither were waterproof. :(  Luckily they were on the porch and only partially exposed to the elements...

Landen enjoying the painting process.

My puffy paint pumpkin...all those dots!!!

Next up was Trick-or-Treat on Thursday evening. We knew Landen might be a bit young to go all around the neighborhood for candy she didn't really need to eat, so we just planned on taking her to a few neighbors' houses to get the idea. She did it, but daddy had to carry her everywhere...all of the "strangers" talking to her made her a bit shy. Surprisingly, she remembered her one line at all or most of the stops on the way and even managed a "thank you" to most. 

If you can't tell, she is dressed as the character "Olivia" (a cartoon pig). Landen's obsession with Olivia started with a few books she got for Christmas last year, but toward the end of the summer we realized Olivia was the star of her own cartoon show on NickJr. So when Landen gets to watch TV, her most frequent request is "Olivia, please." When I saw this as a costume option, there was no convincing Landen of anything else (I even tried). She LOVES Olivia.

After our short journey we headed back home to distribute candy to the masses of kids canvassing our neighborhood. About one hour and 300+ pieces of candy later, we were out of stock and the remaining Trick-or-Treat-ers were out of luck! 

The best part of passing out the candy was that Landen had a blast helping out. She LOVED giving out candy to the other kids and would just look at them with hopeful eyes as she held out candy to put in their bags. Some of the bigger kids weren't too sure about accepting candy from a toddler dressed as a pig, but most gladly took her offerings.
Landen and Ava...not so sure about all the costumes but loving their suckers!
Finally, our weekend ended with a visit to the nursing home to see Great Grandma Betty for their Trick-or-Treat celebration. Oh.My.Goodness! I don't know why kids would waste their time going door-to-door when they can walk around one (or more) of the gathering areas in the nursing home and get a piece of candy every two feet! There were soooooo many people and so many kids lined up to get their treats. The residents were having a wonderful time seeing the little (and big) ones all dressed up as well. Even though the line was long and moving at a steady pace, we were able to catch a picture with Grandma before she had to get back to her duties. :)

And the fun isn't over yet...we have dress up day at school AND dance class this week. Sheesh!

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