Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Countdown to baby - top 10

  1. Well, I wasn't so sure I would be able to accomplish my long to-do list before baby's arrival, but the list is dwindling, and I'm actually feeling prepared.
  2. Today is the 36.5 week a few more days will make full term. I wouldn't mind having the baby this weekend, but I think celebrating a new baby and an ND win over USC NEXT weekend would be even more fun. :)
  3. A sub has been found! I am so lucky to have a reliable, capable person able to take over my crazy job at a moment's notice. I have all kinds of worries and reminders running through my head at any given moment, but I know she'll do just fine. What a relief!
  4. Speaking of ready, my bags are PACKED! It's crazy to think that the time to meet the new little one is almost here.
  5. Packing a bag when you don't know the difficult! I'm a compulsive overpacker anyway and this is not helping the situation. We have ND onesies/hats, pink hats, grey/yellow mittens, girl outfits, boy outfits, and probably five headbands and four different colors of bows/flowers. So baby's bag is definitely full, but he/she will only be using or wearing half of it.
  6. As of last weekend, the baby's room is "finished"...for now. I can't wait to add accents and decor based on baby's gender. Pink/fuschia for a girl and teal/aqua for a boy. I already have items in my shopping cart from Target ready to purchase!
  7. I am so ready to be able to move around like a normal person again. Let's just say that entertaining and playing with a toddler is WAYYYYY more difficult 8.5 months pregnant. I just want to lie on my belly and color with Landen....
  8. I think Landen is feeling the impending arrival of the baby more and more as we set up furniture, the swing, the carseat, etc. At one point I felt bad because all we kept saying to her was "No, that's for the baby." We had to start taking a different approach to these issues. We did get her a baby to open when she comes to visit at the hospital. That way she'll be able to take care of her baby while we take care of the real one. I'm hoping this helps a bit.
  9. On a positive note, she's doing well in the potty training arena. She is going at daycare a couple of times per day and every few days for us. We're still not really pushing her too much because I think she's JUST grasping the prior recognition of having to go. But stickers and skittles are being awarded for her successes. Oh, and I'm fully aware that regression is a complete possibility when baby arrives...
  10. Please keep not only me, but also my cousin and sister-in-law and our babies in your prayers as we'll all be reaching our due dates within the next couple of weeks.

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