Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Top 10

It's mid-July and it feels like the past few weeks have gone by in a flash. So here's a quick top 10 to share the highlights of our July so far.

1. We took a family trip to Dayton/Cincinnati to visit Landen's Uncle Ryan, Aunt Katie and cousin Hayes. While there we visited the Newport Aquarium. It was a cooler alternative to the zoo or waterpark in the 100+ degree heat. Landen LOVED the "fishies", and was just old enough to get some enjoyment out of all the different varieties of aquatic life, etc. 

2. Scott had the week off work, so we spent a couple of days trying to get some things done around the new house that we've been putting off. The biggest events included hanging curtains in the living room and Landen's bedroom, painting the upstairs bathroom, and deciding on a decor theme for the kitchen. 

3. My belly is getting bigger. Bigger and squarer, I should say. Not sure why, but it gets a flat part right on top, so when I look down I just see a square-ish, weird looking belly. I don't think it's as noticeable to others, but I see it!

4. Speaking of baby...I haven't bought ONE thing for the little guy/girl yet! I think this may be one benefit of waiting to find out the gender...it curbs my spending. Scott is happy.

5. On the other hand, tomorrow will be 20 weeks (1/2 of the pregnancy, 4.5 months - for non-mothers/parents). I'm starting to get a bit anxious because all I've done for the baby's room is pick out a paint color and narrowed the crib down to three choices. That's it!

6. Landen told me yesterday there were two babies in my belly. This has me slightly concerned that she's having some child premonition that I'm actually having twins. She's not the first either! My elderly neighbor thought the same when we met a few weeks ago. Let's just say, I can't wait until the ultrasound in August to deny these claims. 

7. Speaking of Landen...she's potty training herself. We haven't been encouraging it too much because I wanted her to be cognitively ready for it and not rushed. She sees the potty at daycare so it has her interested. They've let her try several times with no result...but today, at home, we had RESULTS! Again, her choice, not mine. But that's a good thing. :)

8. She has also been paci free for a month! If you ask her about her "uh-oh", she'll tell you a story about how daddy took them to work (at the hospital) to give them to the babies. Very cute.

9. She's growing up so fast, it has me happy and sad. Sad because my baby isn't a baby anymore. But happy because it's so much fun to see her experience and enjoy so many more things. 

10. Finally, we spent the long weekend at Deer Creek State Park with Scott's extended family for a reunion of sorts. We do this every year, so it's a family tradition. We get to see family that live right here in Delphos along with those that live in other states. It's always fun to catch up with family, and this year Landen got to see some "cousins" that she only sees a few times a year. Here are some photos from the weekend.

Playing with daddy at the pool.
She just LOVES Bailie and Kestley!
Hayes, taking up golf?
 Landen, Annabelle, and Emery (all within about one year of each other) bonding and being goofy girls together.  :)  I like Landen's face in the bottom one.

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